Chia seeds contain 34.4g of fiber, 17.8g of omega-3 fatty acids, 407mg of potassium and 335mg of magnesium per 100g of raw product. Combine them with your favorite Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 drink (and a few more ingredients) and enjoy a delicious yet nutritious treat! This pudding will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but will allow you to maintain a balanced diet.
Formula 1 Strawberry Delight 550g €44.00
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Pour Formula 1, milk and chia seeds into a jar with a lid.
Shake well and let sit for 10 minutes, or until mixture begins to thicken, shaking occasionally.
While you're waiting, melt the berries with a fork and spread them on the bottom of a glass or bowl.
Carefully pour the Formula 1 mixture over the melted fruit.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours (or overnight) until set.
* Only when prepared as directed on the product label does our product provide the exact nutritional benefits listed on the label.
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